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We work in quantum mechanics and its foundations: the measurement problem, the meaning of the wave function, entaglement and nonlocality, the quantum-to-classical transition, the relation between quantum theory and relativity/gravity.

Latest News

Angelo Bassi publishes on PRL
Our paper "X-Ray Emission from Atomic Systems Can Distinguish between Prevailing Dynamical Wave-Function Collapse Models" published on Physical Review Letters. The work proposes a novel method to test collapse models using X-ray emissions from atomic systems. These models challenge the standard quantum theory by offering explanations for why quantum superpositions…
Laria Figurato wins third-best poster prize
Laria won third place for the best poster at the "Emergence of Classicality: New Perspectives on Measurements in Quantum Theory" conference at Trinity College Dublin from 15th to 19th July 2024.
Reservoir-Free Decoherence in Flying Qubits, our research in PRL
In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a precise position but are delocalized within a certain length. For certain quantum information applications, this length is usually neglected but we managed to take it into account for a large class of interesting processes and found that it cannot always be neglected. In…
Matteo Carlesso on Wired Italy
Sandro Iannaccone interviews Matteo Carlesso on behalf of Wired Italy. Read the full article here.

Latest ArXiv preprints

Department of Physics
University of Trieste
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste Italy

Phone: 0039 040 2240 315
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and INFN


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