As for the CAT… models and interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
Date: 10th May 2024, from 14:00.
A century after its birth, quantum mechanics continues to collect extraordinary successes. Nevertheless, there are still open problems at its FOUNDATIONS. Specifically, the quantum measurement problem, exemplified by the famous Schrödinger cat paradox, poses several questions still lacking an answer. Why a cat cannot be prepared in a quantum superposition? What is the real meaning of the wavefunction? How one can interpret or modify the quantum theory to solve the MEASUREMENT problem?
This workshop wants to give a glimpse into some of the open questions in the foundations of quantum mechanics from different perspectives. We will tackle the ontology of the wavefunction, the quantum measurement problem, the spontaneous collapse models, the Bohm mechanics and the many world interpretation of quantum mechanics.
The workshop is limited in the number of attendee. The deadline for the registration is the 26th of April. Registration is now closed.
Valia Allori (University of Bergamo, Italy)
Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste, Italy)
Matteo Carlesso (University of Trieste, Italy)
Dirk A. Deckert (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany)
Dustin Lazarovici (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Angelo Bassi, Matteo Carlesso, Enrico Di Salvo, Enrico Frausin (University of Trieste, Italy)
Lecture room A,
Department of Physics,
University of Trieste
via Valerio 2, Trieste
The workshop is limited in the number of attendee. The deadline for the registration is the 26th of April. Registration is now closed.
Abstracts: Abstracts
This workshop is kindly sponsored by QuCoM and INFN.