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TEQ on the cover of New Scientist

How does the world crystallise from quantum weirdness? We might just have the answer, says a new article on the cover of the July 14, 2018 issue of the New Scientist. And that answer could be given by the TEQ project, lead by Angelo Bassi.

How does the world crystallise from quantum weirdness? We might just have the answer, says a new article on the cover of the July 14, 2018 issue of the New Scientist. And that answer could be given by the TEQ project, lead by Angelo Bassi.

Despite the spectacular success of quantum mechanics accounting for the bizarre behavior of subatomic particles, it is not clear how, or even if, it can explain why much larger bodies do not behave in the same way. The TEQ project is called to understand this discrepancy in a 4-year time frame with a substantial grant from the European Commission. The article explains how the TEQ project will cool and levitate a virus-sized glass spheres in a magnetic field, monitoring their motion with lasers and observing the results which could lead to the establishment the ultimate bounds to the validity of the quantum framework, if any.

This article on the well-known English science magazine is doubtlessly another clear acknowledgment of the important work of TEQ.

Click here to read about TEQ on New Scientist

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