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A glimpse on the role of Grassmann Algebra in Trace Dynamics

Room: Euler lecture Hall
Speaker: Stefano Bacchi (PhD student, University of Trieste)
In the formulation of an underlying theory for Quantum Mechanics, Adler builds Trace Dynamics by using traces of matrices with entries which are combinations of Grassmann variables. These combinations are a subset of the Grassmann algebra. Given a brief outline of the main pillars of Trace Dynamics, a quasi-mathematical approach is tempted in order to clarify the mathematical framework and the role of the Grassmann algebra.
References: [1] “Quantum Theory as an emergent phenomenon” S.L.Adler (2004); [2] “Phase Space Methods for Degenerate Quantum Gases” Dalton, Jeffers, Barnett (2015); [3] “An Attempt of Construction for the Grassmann Numbers” Bentìn (2006); [4] “Tensor spaces and exterior algebra” Yokonuma; [5] “Quadratic mappings and Clifford algebras” Helmstetter, Micali. [6] “Grassmann Numbers and Clifford-Jordan-Wigner Representation of Supersymmetry” Sultan Catto, Yoon S. Choun, Yasemin Gurcan, Amish Khalfan, Levent Kurt.

Department of Physics
University of Trieste
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste Italy

Phone: 0039 0405585315
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